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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Banned commercial - Guinness Beer

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How to ask your boss for a salary increase ?

One day an employee sends a letter to his boss asking for an increase in his salary!!!

Dear Bo$$

In thi$ life, we all need $ome thing MO$t de$perately.

I think you $hould be under$tanding of the need$ of u$ worker$ who have given $o much $upport including $weat and $ervice to your company

I am $ure you will gue$$ what I mean and re$pond $oon

Your$ $incerely

Norman $oh

The next day, the employee received this letter of reply

Dear NOrman

I kNOw you have been working very hard. NOwadays, NOthing much has changed. You must have NOticed that our company is NOt doing NOticeably well as yet

NOw the newspaper are saying the world`s leading ecoNOmists are NOt sure if the United States may go into aNOther recession. After the NOvember presidential elections things may turn bad

I have NOthing more to add NOw. You kNOw what I mean

Yours truly


Monday, September 22, 2008

One liners - Definations

1. Cigarette: A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other.


2. Love Affairs: Something like cricket where one-day internationals are more popular than a 5 day test match.


3. Marriage: It's an agreement in which the man loses his bachelor's degree and the woman gains her master's.


4. Divorce: Future tense of marriage.


5. Lecture: An art of transferring information from the notes of the lecturer to the notes of students without passing through "the minds of either".


6. Conference: The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present.


7. Compromise: The art of dividing a cake in? Such a way that everybody believes, she got the biggest piece.


8. Tears: The hydraulic force by which the masculine will-power is defeated by feminine water-power.


9. Dictionary: A place where divorce comes before marriage and success before work.


10. Conference Room: A place where everybody talks, nobody listens and everyone disagrees later on.


11. Ecstasy: A feeling when you feel you are going to feel a feeling you have never felt before.


12. Classic: A book which people praise but do not read.


13. Smile: A curve that can set a lot of things straight.


14. Office: A place where you can relax from the strenuous home life.


15. Yawn: The only time some married men get to open their mouth.


16. Etc. : A sign to make others believe that you know more than you actually do.


17. Committee: Individuals who can do nothing individually and sit to decide that nothing can be done together.


18. Experience: The name men give to their mistakes.


19. Atom Bomb: An invention to end all inventions.


The brick

About ten years ago, a young and very successful executive named Josh was traveling down a Chicago neighborhood street.

He was going a bit too fast in his sleek, black, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE, which was only two months old.

He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something.

As his car passed, no child darted out, but a brick sailed out and - WHUMP! - it smashed Into the Jag's shiny black side door! SCREECH..!!! ! Brakes slammed! Gears ground into reverse, and tires madly spun the Jaguar back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown.

Josh jumped out of the car, grabbed the kid and pushed him up against a parked car. He shouted at the kid, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing?!" Building up a head of steam, he went on. "That's my new Jag, that brick you threw is gonna cost you a lot of money. Why did you throw it?"

"Please, mister, please. . . I'm sorry! I didn't know what else to do!" Pleaded the youngster. "I threw the brick because no one else would stop!"

Tears were dripping down the boy's chin as he pointed around the parked car.

"It's my brother, mister," he said. "He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up." Sobbing, the boy asked the executive, "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me."

Moved beyond words, the young executive tried desperately to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. Straining, he lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapes and cuts, checking to see that everything was going to be OK.

He then watched the younger brother push him down the sidewalk toward their home.

It was a long walk back to the sleek, black, shining, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE -a long and slow walk. Josh never did fix the side door of his Jaguar.

He kept the dent to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention. . .

Some bricks are softer than others. Feel for the bricks of life coming at to you. For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has positive answers.

